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Eco-Wise™ Fleas



Need a Flea Exterminator in Seattle?

The adult cat flea is a small, 1/8 inch, reddish-brown insect, which feeds primarily on dogs and cats. There are several species of fleas that feed on other animals and can invade a home if animals are present. Identifying flea problems will require a magnification of 30X or more to distinguish the important characteristics.

Fleas are true parasite and blood feeders. Small and flattened, they easily move between the hairs, or fur, of the animal being fed on. Flea larvae are elongated and worm-like and feed on the droppings of the adult fleas found in areas where pets frequent. Larvae will not generally be found on the animals.

Locating Cat Flea Infestations

Fleas can live inside or outside a home and can be brought into the home by infested animals. In severe flea infestations, or when infested animals are not present, adults may feed on humans. Bites usually occur around the feet and legs of humans. Some people may react to the bite, or exacerbate the bite by itching and scratching the area.

Adult fleas need a blood meal before they can lay viable eggs. The adult will spend almost all of its adult life on the animal host, and can survive several months without feeding. The eggs are laid on the animal and usually fall off in areas where the animal sleeps, or frequents, then hatch into larvae. The pupae of the flea are in small debris-covered silken cocoons. They can remain in the cocoons until a host is present.

Questions To Ask About Cat Flea Problems

  • Have you been bitten? 
  • Do you have a pet? 
  • Have you recently had other animal control problems?
  • Have you seen fleas on your pets?
  • Where have you seen any fleas?
  • Where do your pets frequent, loaf and sleep?
  • Have you recently been on vacation with your pet out of the house?

Cat Flea Infestation Inspection Tips

A thorough inspection is necessary to determine the extent of the flea infestation. Look for adult fleas, larvae, fecal droppings and cocoons (you will need a flashlight and good hand lens to identify larvae, droppings and cocoons). Be very familiar with the biology of this insect.

  • Look carefully in areas where the pets sleep or frequent
  • Look on furniture where pets may lay

Wear white socks over your shoes when inspecting and look for adult fleas on the socks. In areas where pets frequent, use adhesive tape, by touching the sticky side to surfaces and inspect for droppings and larvae. Inspect animals for flea problems and look for flea “dirt” (droppings) on the animal. Determine if there are flea populations outside.

How to Get Rid of Flea Problems

Getting rid of fleas can be tricky since they tend to build their nests in unique places. Our green flea control experts will assess the flea problem and any flea damage prior to using a flea control plan, providing you with peace of mind when it comes to these potential unwelcome flea infestations. And because Critter Control Eco-Wise™ Pest Services’ methods for flea control are environmentally friendly and organic, there is no concern for your family and pets.

Critter Control Eco-Wise™ Pest Services has the knowledge, equipment, and skills to take care of all your flea problems and will show you how to get rid of fleas for good! Call today: 1-877-ECO-WISE

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